Supreme Court Decision on Greenhouse Gas Regulation Creates Heightened Urgency for Congressional Action on Climate Change Policy
July 1, 2022

Supreme Court Decision on Greenhouse Gas Regulation Creates Heightened Urgency for Congressional Action on Climate Change Policy

Washington, D.C. – Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE) president Lisa Jacobson offered the following statement in response to the Supreme Court’s decision on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) authority:

“Today’s Supreme Court decision limiting EPA’s authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act must be an urgent call to Congress to enact national policies to address climate change.

“An essential first step is to enact the climate and clean energy tax provisions pending under budget reconciliation proposals. Congress must then work to develop additional policies that will achieve the emissions reduction levels needed to avoid the worst impacts of climate change and to improve the resilience and reliability of the U.S. energy system. We cannot afford to delay, as the nation faces increasingly severe and costly climate-related disasters.

“While the technologies are available today to make significant emissions reductions now, Congressional action is essential to achieving lasting, durable action on climate change. This action is vital for national security as well as demonstrating U.S. leadership to raise ambition levels in other countries.

“The private sector is making record-level investments in the clean energy transition, but a predictable and long-term national policy framework is needed to support accelerated and expanded deployment.”

Download this press release.


June 30, 2022

Contact: Laura Tierney
Tel: 202.785.0507 ext. 1507

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