Net Zero World Industry Forum

Through the Net Zero World Initiative, the U.S. government is partnering with countries and philanthropies to accelerate global energy system decarbonization. So far, Net Zero World has partnered with the governments of Argentina, Chile, Egypt, Indonesia, Nigeria, Singapore, Thailand and Ukraine to collaborate on technology and investment pathways, as well as specific projects, to increase the speed and scale of transitions to net zero energy systems. This one-day forum in Washington, DC, hosted by the U.S. Departments of Energy and Commerce, will bring together U.S. clean tech industry leaders, partner country governments, and officials from eight U.S. government agencies.

Representatives of U.S. clean tech companies are invited to participate in this forum to identify opportunities to collaborate with partner countries on decarbonization projects, learn about U.S. government resources to support decarbonization investments, and share your ideas with partner country and U.S. government officials on how best to advance projects and work with industry under the Net Zero World initiative. There is no cost to attend but registration is required. We will have a limited attendance on this initial event, as determined by the size of the venue. We will be monitoring responses, registrations and your input to the email. Based on the input and feedback, we may offer larger/more broadly scoped public-private events around NZW in the future.

For this event, we seek registrants representing:

  • U.S. clean energy technology/clean tech solutions industries
  • A limited number of representatives from the U.S. Federal agencies that are members of NZW (we may need to limit federal attendees to 2 per agency)
  • Technical representatives from the National Labs
  • Embassy energy/Econ officers from the NZW member countries

For more information or questions about the agenda/program, please contact

For technical assistance or if you need assistance making revisions to your registration information, please contact
Date: December 6
Format: In-person
Location: Washington, DC

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