Make Climate Action Everyone’s Business Forum

In 2021, the IPCC reported that without immediate, rapid and large-scale reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, limiting warming to close to 1.5°C or even 2°C will be beyond reach. COP26 in Glasgow succeeded in its mission to keep “1.5 alive”. But to make that vision a reality, governments, business and civil society will need to unite in an unprecedented effort to shift from aspirations and commitments to collaborative action at real scale. Core to this will be deployment of effective regulatory frameworks, actionable business strategies and prudent fiscal incentives to accelerate decarbonization across the global economy. Moreover, the global cost-of-living crisis sparked by the conflict in Ukraine, has emphasized the need for climate solutions that truly leave no one behind.

From 6-18 November, ICC will be leveraging our 250 square meter pavilion in the COP27 Blue Zone as a platform for business leaders and related stakeholders to share a range of action-oriented content. Leaning into our role as the focal point for business and industry engagement, our pavilion is hosting content from a range of private sector partners and will also serve as a venue for the African Union, UNICEF, Enterprises pour L’Environnement, CropLife International, the International Fertilizer Association, the Australian Forest Products Association, Business Council for Sustainable Energy and SEED (Hosted by Adelphi). Don’t miss our welcome luncheon on 8 November at the ICC Pavilion in the COP27 Blue Zone.

For those who can’t make it to Sharm El Sheikh, all physical events will be streamed live to the ICC Make Climate Action Everyone’s Business Forum. The virtual conference platform will also feature 70+ unique virtual sessions. All content will be available for replay for one year. To claim your free ticket, use code BIZCLIMATEACTION.

There is a lot to do and so many ways to get involved. Don’t hesitate to contact for further details about sponsorship, reception hosting, room rentals and more.


Date: November 7 – 18
Organizer: ICC
Format: Hybrid
Location: Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt
Website: Make Climate Action Everyone’s Business Forum



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