COP 27 Agreement Offers New Opportunities for Public Private Partnerships
November 20, 2022

Washington, D.C. – The Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE) President Lisa Jacobson offered the following statement in response to the conclusion of the 27th Conference of the Parties (COP 27) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Sharm el-Sheik, Egypt earlier today.

“We are pleased to see the COP 27 cover decision affirm the need for urgent mitigation actions to keep our planet on track to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. Governments recognized the need to deploy a broad set of clean energy technologies, many of which are readily available and cost-effective, to speed the energy transition.

“The COP 27 outcome also broke new ground by reaching agreement on a Loss and Damage Fund. It is essential that the global community works collectively to address the technical and financial needs of the most vulnerable countries,” said BCSE President Lisa Jacobson. “The business community, in partnership with governments, can provide investment, capacity building, and technology solutions to address disaster response, resilience, and adaption needs faced by these countries.

“With Congress continuing its work on fiscal year 2023 appropriations this month, BCSE urges adoption of increased funding levels for foreign development assistance and international climate finance.”

BCSE led a delegation of more than 20 U.S. businesses and clean energy trade organizations to the annual international climate conference. Through meetings with the U.S. Congressional delegations, the Administration, and other stakeholders, as well as public side events, BCSE called for countries to work toward broader and faster deployment of the existing portfolio of clean energy and energy efficiency technologies and enactment of policies that enable the energy transition. BCSE also encouraged countries to increase global investments in infrastructure, communities, and economies to reduce emissions, create new jobs, and strengthen resilience.

Information on the events BCSE hosted at COP, as well as delegation information, press statements, and member announcements, can be found at BCSE’s COP 27 webpage.
Download this press release.


Media contact: Lizzie Stricklin
Phone: 202.785.0507 ext. 1504

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