Climate Smart Buildings Initiative Focuses on Leveraging Private Sector with Performance Contracting to Implement Federal Sustainability Plan
August 3, 2022


Contact: Lizzie Stricklin
Phone: 202.785.0507 ext. 1504

WASHINGTON – The Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE) commends the Biden-Harris administration on the announcement of the new Climate Smart Buildings Initiative. The initiative will expand the administration’s partnership with the private sector to upgrade existing federal buildings through Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC).

BCSE applauds the administration for its focus on ESPC as an essential tool to achieving the Federal Sustainability Plan. ESPCs are a strong example of public-private partnership and leverage public funding with private sector dollars. The Climate Smart Buildings Initiative aims to leverage $8 billion in private capital through the use of ESPCs.

BCSE serves as the administrator for the Federal Performance Contracting Coalition (FPCC), the leading industry coalition of federal ESPC contractor holders. The FPCC has long advocated for increased federal use of ESPCs by removing barriers and ensuring faster and bigger ESPC projects in the federal ESPC marketplace.

“The announcement of the Climate Smart Building Initiative, with its ambitious goal for ESPC use, accompanied by support and capacity enhancements at federal agencies, will have a significant impact on the sustainability of federal facilities and buildings, while saving taxpayer dollars,” said BCSE President Lisa Jacobson.

“The Climate Smart Buildings Initiative recognizes the important role of performance contracting in address emissions from our federal facilities,” said Jennifer Schafer, executive director of the FPCC. “ESPCs can aggregate clean energy and carbon reduction strategies across entire federal facilities and ensure that such carbon reductions occur. We look forward to working with the administration to ensure agency capabilities and actions in place to deliver significant and sustained emissions reductions through the use of ESPC and Utility Energy Service Contracts.”

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