Clean Energy Industries Call for Immediate Enactment of Inflation Reduction Act
August 5, 2022

Lizzie Stricklin,, Tel: 202-785-0507, ext. 1504
Andy Barnes,, Tel: 202-785-0507, ext. 1503

Washington, D.C. – The Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE) and the Clean Energy Business Network (CEBN) sent a letter to Congressional leadership on Friday urging immediate enactment of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. The letter highlighted the powerful opportunity provided by the legislation to propel the nation’s clean energy transition, counter inflation, and help American citizens save money.

“BCSE supports the prioritization of clean energy, energy efficiency and climate change policies, and the long-term tax policy certainty for businesses as key pillars of the legislation,” said BCSE President Lisa Jacobson. “Through the Inflation Reduction Act’s climate and energy provisions, we will have new tools to fight inflation, reduce the cost of energy for American families and businesses, and create good paying jobs in every state. These investments will also lead to meaningful carbon emission reductions over the next decade, making a significant contribution towards achieving our national climate goals.”

“We commend Congressional leaders for negotiating this historic package which will serve as an inflection point for clean energy deployment,” said CEBN President Lynn Abramson. “We urge Congress to get this over the finish line swiftly and to the president’s desk. A vote for the Inflation Reduction Act is a vote for cost reductions, job creation, national security, and climate solutions.”

BCSE and CEBN have advocated for many months on the passage of the clean energy and climate investments now contained in the Inflation Reduction Act. The Business Council for Sustainable Energy joined industry and stakeholder letters calling for inclusion of a clean energy tax incentives package in the reconciliation bill. Additionally, the Clean Energy Business Network previously sent a letter signed by over 850 cleantech business leaders urging Congress to pass investments for clean energy in a reconciliation package.

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