Energy Efficiency Day 2023
Mark your calendars and save the date! Join us by participating in the eighth annual Energy Efficiency Day, hosted by a number of national and regional nonprofit organizations that serve to reduce energy waste and expand the adoption of energy efficiency. Each year, EE Day has drawn increasing support and, in 2023, we aim to reach the largest audience yet. In 2022 we had 1,049 supporters sign on from local governments, utilities, organizations, companies, and utilities, and 47 cities, counties, states, or universities issued proclamations in support of EE Day as well as the U.S. Senate!

We encourage you to take action individually or as an organization. This can be through small steps such as switching to LED lights, improving your home or building’s insulation, and even upgrading to an efficient heat pump. Don’t overlook the opportunity to enroll in a demand response program with your local utility to reduce stress on the grid during peak demand AND lower your electricity bill. Broader efforts can include advocating for stronger energy building codes or seeking a proclamation to extol energy efficiency and EE Day.   Let’s get started. We have a toolkit to help you ask your mayor or governor for a proclamation and if you haven’t signed on as a supporter yet – what are you waiting for?! We look forward to working with you to promote energy efficiency.


Date: October 4, 2023
Format: Virtual
Location: Virtual

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Market Trends & Factbook

The 2024 edition of the Sustainable Energy in America Factbook provides up-to-date, accurate market intelligence about the broad range of industries that are contributing to the country’s move toward cleaner energy production and more efficient energy usage.

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