Partnering on the Path to Net Zero in North America

BCSE co-hosted a United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) side event in partnership with The Climate Registry, U.S. Green Building Council, and the Georgetown Climate Center that featured keynote remarks by Andrew Mayock, Chief Sustainability Officer for the United States federal government. Mayock highlighted ways in which the federal government is partnering with states and localities to advance national climate and clean energy goals.

BCSE President Lisa Jacobson hosted a conversation with Chair Liane Randolph of the California Air Resources Board, Autodesk’s Clemence Arto, and Schneider Electric’s John Powers who shared their thoughts on the role of public policy tools and programs to set a framework for economic development and investment to achieve climate action. 

In addition, a second panel brought together subnational actors including Serena McIlwain of the Maryland Department of Environment; Rep. Alex Valdez of the Colorado General Assembly; Mayor Barbara Buffaloe of Columbia, Missouri; and County Executive Chris Ronayne of Cuyahoga County, Ohio to discuss the role of community engagement and public-private partnerships in scaling climate action. 

Speakers included:


DATE: December 6, 15:00 – 16:30
VENUE: Side Event Room 1, Blue Zone
TO WATCH ONLINE: Watch the event recording.

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