Clean Tech Investments: U.S. Policy Accelerates Business Action on Climate

BCSE and the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) kicked off Energy Day with an event at the America Is All In Action Center at the WWF Pavilion focusing on U.S. clean tech investments spurred by recent federal policy. Amb. Geoffrey Pyatt, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Energy Resources, U.S. Department of State provided opening remarks centering the discussion in the global context. The climate crisis is the “quintessential global challenge,” he said, and emphasized that the United States can only meet its energy transition goals by engaging through international partnerships.

BCSE Vice President of International Policy Laura Tierney led a conversation with SMUD CEO Paul Lau and CALSTART CEO John Boesel on sustainable energy and transportation progress in California and nationwide. Then, C2ES Vice President for Business Engagement Verena Radulovic moderated a panel with Topsoe’s Amy Chiang, National Grid’s Reihaneh Irani-Famili, and JPMorgan Chase’s Heather Zichal on what is needed to capitalize on the federal investments in clean energy. Panelists called for quick federal guidance, deployment, and permitting and siting reform.

Speakers included:

  • Opening keynote remarks from Geoffrey Pyatt, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Energy Resources, U.S. Department of State
  • John Boesel, CEO, CALSTART
  • Paul Lau, CEO, Sacramento Municipal Utility District
  • Amy Chiang, Chief Sustainability & External Affairs Officer, Topsoe
  • Reihaneh Irani-Famili, Vice President, Capital Deliver – Project, National Grid
  • Heather Zichal, Global Head of Sustainability, JP Morgan Chase


DATE: December 5, 9:30 – 10:30 GST

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