CALSTART Policy Summit

Join state policymakers, industry leaders, and CALSTART members and staff for a day of in-person discussions around California’s zero-emission vehicle plan and funding strategy. This year’s policy symposium, presented by Southern California Edison, will be held in Sacramento on Wednesday, February 15 and give CALSTART members and guests a chance to interact with legislators and stakeholders about how California will fund mandated transitions to zero-emissions and what policies need to come next for accelerating a zero-emission future.


Date: February 15
Time: 9:00 am – 3:30 pm
Organizer: CALSTART
Format: In-person
Location: Sacramento, CA

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Market Trends & Factbook

The 2024 edition of the Sustainable Energy in America Factbook provides up-to-date, accurate market intelligence about the broad range of industries that are contributing to the country’s move toward cleaner energy production and more efficient energy usage.

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