BCSE Comments on FERC Rulemaking Process for Regional Transmission Planning
August 17, 2022


Contact: Lizzie Stricklin
Email: lstricklin@bcse.org
Phone: 202.785.0507 ext. 1504                                                                                                                                

Washington, D.C. – The Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE) submitted comments to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) today in response to FERC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on reforms to its regional transmission planning processes.

“Investments in transmission enhance reliability and resilience, lower consumers’ power costs, and achieve public policy goals,” said BCSE President Lisa Jacobson. “Successful transmission planning processes are essential to facilitating the energy transition and will support grid modernization and emissions reductions, as well as family-sustaining jobs.”

“BCSE supports FERC taking action to reform regional transmission planning processes,” she added. “We encourage FERC to adopt holistic and efficient approaches to these procedures.”

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