Sustainable Energy Industry Advocates
About the Business Council for Sustainable Energy
The Business Council for Sustainable Energy advocates for energy and environmental policies that promote markets for clean, efficient, and sustainable energy products and services.
Who We Are
The Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE) is a coalition of companies and trade associations that deploy clean energy and decarbonization solutions, with a sector focus on energy efficiency, natural gas, and renewable energy. Our members include investor-owned utilities, public power, independent power producers, project developers, technology providers, equipment manufacturers, environmental and energy market service companies, and more.
Meet the people who keep BCSE at the forefront of energy advocacy.
Our Vision: A vibrant, competitive, and sustainable U.S. economy.
What We Do
BCSE is dedicated to implementing policies that accelerate the deployment of clean energy technologies, products, and services. Our coalition supports market-based approaches to reducing pollution and providing a diverse, secure, and affordable mix of energy resources.
BCSE works on a bipartisan basis in support of a range of energy and environmental issues, including climate change, infrastructure, and global market development. Our business leaders provide unique expertise on the design of policies and market-based initiatives that accelerate clean energy technology investments and deployment.
BCSE works to:
- Enact policies that accelerate the deployment of energy efficiency, natural gas, and renewable energy resources
- Implement cost-effective programs and policies that recognize the environmental attributes of energy sources
- Increase the energy productivity of the economy and improve energy security
- Encourage market-based initiatives for energy and environmental policies that support public-private partnership and leverage private sector capital
Want to learn more about our policy advocacy?
Our Mission: Accelerating the adoption of efficient, cost-effective, and clean energy solutions for all consumers.
How We Do It
BCSE offers practical industry expertise to policymakers to better inform critical decisions that increase the demand for and deployment of energy efficiency and clean energy solutions.
BCSE is a member-driven association, led by a Board of Directors, that accomplishes its policy work and outreach through the following committees:
- Federal Policy Committee
- Clean Air & Climate Change Policy Committee
- International Policy Committee
- State & Regional Policy Committee
- Communications Network
These committees meet regularly to discuss current issues and formulate policy recommendations. As part of its continuing outreach efforts, BCSE hosts regular briefings on clean energy and related topics for Congress, conducts state and regional forums for discussion on clean energy issues, leads business delegations to international policy summits, and holds bi-annual membership meetings and related events.
BCSE’s policy advocacy work is driven by the input and expertise of our members.
Market Trends & Factbook
The 2024 edition of the Sustainable Energy in America Factbook provides up-to-date, accurate market intelligence about the broad range of industries that are contributing to the country’s move toward cleaner energy production and more efficient energy usage.